Sunday, January 14, 2024

Why I love mathematics

Millie and Al's

I love mathematics because it never says one thing and does something else. If it ever seems to do that, it is always because I am missing some idea. I never stay mad at mathematics.

I love mathematics because it is always there, waiting for me. It will always be there even if I don't jump on it right now. It worn't run away or turn into some not fun thing. When I go back over mathematics that I haven't looked at in a while, it's like going back to the old neighborhood and having that warm and happy feeling you get when nothing has changed. 

I love mathematics because it loves me. Mathematics has infinite patience for me. I can be arbitrarily stupid for arbitrarily long. Mathematics keeps the light on for me.

I love mathematics because it surprises me and makes me think differently all the time. I feel like Aeneas in the world of mathematics, constantly meeting monstra mirable dictu, but without the carnage.

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